We designed an incentive-based behavioral intervention to increase compliance with speed limits while driving.

A Latin American pension and severance fund manager.
Description of the context:
The organization's affiliates had a high incidence of road accidents, resulting in a high cost to the company for the activation of disability insurance. The challenge was to reduce these claims by promoting compliance with speed limits in order to reduce the company's expenses and improve the quality of life of its members.
What we did:
We designed a set of behavioral science-based interventions to increase speed limit compliance among members. The interventions supported the creation of a tracking app to measure compliance with speed limits. In addition, we accompanied the client's implementation of an incentive-based strategy: drivers who complied with speed limits for a month would be entered into monetary prize drawings. This intervention design contemplated the presence of the Favorable Event Overestimation bias (to increase the motivation to participate).
Behavioral Design.
Bibliographic analysis.
Ideation and co-design workshops with the client.
Expected results:
Increased compliance with speed limits.
Reduction in the incidence of road accidents.
Increased road safety awareness among members.
Insights for decision making:
Human behavior is influenced by a variety of factors. For this reason, applying behavioral science principles to the design of behavioral change strategies is highly effective. This approach provides insight into the root causes that impede the achievement of desired behaviors, thus facilitating the creation of customized solutions that fit the specific needs of each organization.
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