In this article we honor one of the most influential researchers in the behavioral sciences: Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002.

If you are interested in behavioral economics and wish to understand in depth the work and perspective of one of the most brilliant minds in the discipline, we recommend you review the following resources:
Recent interview: The most recent edition of the "Jolly Swagman podcast" had Kahneman as a guest. We recommend you listen to him in order to understand his current perspective on some of the most important topics in the world of psychology.
“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases: The article that laid the foundations for the study of heuristics and biases. It introduces the concepts of anchoring, availability, representativeness.
Publication with which he won the Nobel Prize: Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman developed a critique of expected utility theory as a descriptive model for decision making under risk, and introduced their alternative model, called prospect theory.
Ted Talk: How do we decide? Our decisions are constantly guided by the memories we have of the experiences we have lived. Kahneman explains how the mind decides from what it remembers, presenting evidence from a study that explains the peak-end rule.
An idea
"Remember this rule: intuition cannot be trusted in the absence of stable regularities in the environment". - Daniel Kahneman
Think fast, think slow: Why should I read it? It is a great compilation and explanation of the most important findings of experimental psychology and behavioral economics. You should always have this book at hand!
Undoing Mistakes: Kahneman, Tversky and the Friendship that Taught Us How the Mind Works Why should I read it? Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky formed one of the most important intellectual teams in science. In this book you can learn details of their life, their friendship and working relationship, and the origin of several fundamental concepts in the behavioral sciences.
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